Studley and Jells Park, VIC

Studley and Jells Park

Delivering accessible toilet buildings for Park Victoria suitable for longer stays and accessibility for all. The addition of modwood slats was a standout feature.

Parks VIC, GHD
Head Contractor:
ACE Infrastructure
Yarra 5

Parks VIC in collaboration with GHD were after toilet buildings for a range of parks to help with longer stays and accessibility for all. This was through their through their Urban Parks Active Wellbeing Program funded by the Victorian Government, delivering upgrades to 21 parks across Melbourne. Our Standard Yarra 5 was delivered that with just a few custom adjustments, perfectly aligned with their specific requirements. We swiftly grasped their needs and supplied all the essential documentation to smoothly set their project in motion.

Balancing Aesthetics and Sustainability

The first concern they had was in regards to aesthetic appeal, they wanted a toilet building that helped match the aesthetic vision for the park. Their initial thoughts were to add timber into the design in some way to help match local nature and trees that surrounded. Sustainability was another key need raised, to see where we could incorporate environmentally friendly materials and energy-efficient technologies aligning with their with their broader commitment to sustainability within the park's development.

Enhancing Accessibility: A key project need

The council wanted the toilet facility to be a reflection of the community's values on inclusivity and equality. This stemmed from recent feedback from residents requesting more accessible toilet buildings. The building needed to be compliant with AS1428.1 ensuring people with disabilities and high support needs can needs can access basic needs

Our solution

"Wood look" Modwood exterior slats were adding to match the parks atmosphere along with reducing the environmental impact thanks to it’s recycled composition. Energy efficient LED lights and time flow taps were installed to help manage water usage more efficiently by regulating the flow and duration of water. For accessibility, the building came with one universal access room for people with high support needs including features like disabled handrails, an adult changing table, and a larger area for wheelchair access and mobility. Additionally, we installed knee-operated drinking fountains, designed with lower push-buttons to enhance accessibility for wheelchair users.

An outstanding result

The solution ensured an impressive outcome within the budget & deadline, in offering an aesthetically pleasing design with materials & fixtures to assist with sustainability and accessibility for all. Our collaboration was marked by ease and outstanding customer experience, ensuring satisfaction of all project delivery and community stakeholders. Whether running in the park or family time in the park, the facility allows for longer stays and great for morning commutes.

The Modus Solution

The following products were supplied and installed:

Yarra 5 Yarra 5
  • 2 Ambulant Rooms
  • 2 Standard Rooms
  • 1 Universal Access Room
  • Baby Change Table
  • Ambulant and Disabled Handrails
  • LED Batten Light With Day/Night Switch
  • Verandah Screen With Modwood Slats
  • Roof Skylights

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Studley and Jells Park, VIC

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Have a project to do?

Planning a toilet building project is complex but we’re here to help. Reach out or start your project consultation today.