
Public Toilet Building Case Studies

Amenity building for sports clubs and recreation needs

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Modus Australia supplied Forbes Shire Council with a prefab kit-form building which was easily installed by a local contractor. The ability to adapt the floor-plan and customise the internal fixtures meant that the building was fit for purpose and ready for public use in a number of weeks.

Mixed use amenity building serving the publics and sporting recreation needs

Forbes local sporting clubs have access to a mixed use amenity building that provides essential facilities to the general public and local sports clubs. Forbes Shire Council replaced an aging non-compliant brick and tile toilet building with Modus Australia’s Noosa amenity building, with an adapted floorplan to include an AS1428 compliant restroom as well as gender specific and unisex public restrooms.

Tailoring design configuration for a complete solution

Noosa amenity buildings duel façades that each contain cubicles face a shopping centre carpark and netball courts with adjacent sporting fields, providing an amenity to a large number of users. The building cubicles on each face of the building are split by a secure service area which accommodates the hidden cisterns and storage space for cleaning services.

Sports club amenity building specification included:

  • Ten cubicles across two sides of the building
  • Six unisex cubicles
  • One AS1428 compliant universal access toilet cubicle
  • One Ambulant toilet cubicle
  • Two standard toilet cubicles
  • Stainless steel toilet pans and hand basins
  • Concealed cisterns located in a service area

Modus Australia’s multi amenity buildings provide clients with the ability to configure mixed use solutions to fit each project. This includes change rooms, showers, kitchenettes and toilet cubicles.

Have a project to do?

Planning a toilet building project is complex but we’re here to help. Reach out or start your project consultation today.
